Educator Professional Development

Explore hands-on learning opportunities designed to help you grow as an educator!

Thursday from 3:30-4:30PM

Monthly October Through March

This year our theme is “The RUMRS About Engagement”: an exploration of six different techniques (including inquiry-based learning) that can increase engagement in classrooms and informal learning programs.


  • Is your PD just for science teachers? No! While we are a STEAM focused museum (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math), our professional development is suitable for educators of all subjects.
  • Is your professional development only open to public school teachers? All are welcome! Whether you work in a public, private, charter, or homeschool, or even if you’re an informal educator- we’d love to have you with us!
  • Do I need to be at all the sessions? No, our PD is designed to work together to give you a comprehensive strategy on building deeper engagement in your classroom or education program. However, single sessions are also still valuable as stand-alone programs and educators are encouraged to attend what they are more interested in learning about!
  • Is your PD TEA Approved? Yes! Sci-Tech Discovery Center is a TEA Approved CPE Provider. (Number: 903-040)
  • Do you offer any discounts? Educators receive a $25 discount for purchasing the full series over individual session prices. We are not offering discounts on single sessions at this time. However, we have researched other comparable PD offered by similar institutions, and Sci-Tech is one of the lowest cost sessions you’ll be able to find from museums in DFW!
  • What technology requirements do the online sessions have? Online PD sessions will be offered over Zoom or Microsoft Teams (subject to change due to new software privacy regulations). Attendees should have access to a computer, a camera, microphone, speakers, and a reliable, high-speed internet connection.