*Please note that if you choose Quote Inquiry then you will not be added to our booking calendar. If you choose to move forward after recieveing your quote then you will need to contact us via phone, email, or fill out a new form. Prefered dates will not be saved.

Contact Information

Please note that schools outside a 15 mile radius will be charged a travel fee.

Title 1 Sponsorship Oportunity

*Your school may be grant recipient eligible

Outreach Request Info

Outreach Requests

Full descriptions and grade levels found in our Educator's Guide at (www.MindStretchingFun.org)

$350 for the first performance, $200 for each additional performance of the same activity
$250 for the first Learning Lab class, $200 for each additional classroom on the same day of the same lab
*Some Learning Labs require a material cost/ per classroom

*Requests are not guaranteed Outreach Reservations.

Outreaches are only guaranteed once a signed contract and deposit have been received.

If you have any questions, please contact our booking department at bookit@scitechdiscovery.org, or call us at 469-896-2188 X2.